Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2 min Noodles ARE a nutritious dinner I tell you!

Dinner time- its like a lesson in terrorist negotiations.

Some days it goes like this- you carefully prepare something wholesome, and to be honest, you are quite proud of yourself, it is almost completed by a little sprig of parsley [but of course you're not going there] and you set it on the table- BAM! 3 year old immediately starts crying in a truly revolting way- that awful sound that is like a cat dying on the side of the road [or your mother in law after you have strangled her- but I DIDN'T SAY THAT LOL]

You are crushed. Your food is edible, even delicious by your standards. EVEN, yes EVEN picky Mr LSH* [*long suffering husband] will eat it..... What is wrong with your children- didn't they spring from your VERY OWN LOINS- why won't they eat your RUDDY COOKING?

So..... next night..... it goes like this....
4.30pm rolls around- the time in every mothers life she dreads the most.... Time to think of what to prepare for the Kinder Dinner [yes I used capitals, as, to the rug-rats, this is a very important event- life or death]
This time you think stuff it.... Im gonna sit here reading my trashy NW magazine, because nothing is more important [to you anyway] than who RPatz is actually hooked up with-
'The kids can have two minute noodles!'

Oh shock horror you perfect mums are recoiling in disgust- BITE ME!
We have allllll done it, so don't proclaim your 15 different type of vegie eating semi organic soy child hasn't had crap for dinner.......... ;)

My kids not only eat 2 min noodles- they LOVE them. The enjoy the experience, and even draw it out to the point where the noodles are stone cold and mummy has retired to watch MasterChef with her Chivas Regal and Sundried tomato dip... but the kids still sit pulling each wiggly noodle up above their heads before shoving them violently down their throats with their entire hands.

So, terrorist negotiations avoided on this night. There is no pleading, threatening, bargaining, crying [usually me], food throwing - it is bliss..... [just don't ask the dog- she likes the former situation]

Off to attempt mushroom souffle tomorrow night- oh, and they will eat it- won't they????

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