Tuesday, November 17, 2009

is it possible to disguise the smell of wet mouldy washing??

Wellll, have taken the VBM status of mine to the highest level. The house is a complete brothel. Its raining outside, so there are dog paw prints everywhere, plus chewed up pine bark mulch, as apparently they are divine to a dogs palate [bit like dynamic lifter and manure]

Ok, so each entry, I will endeavour to include my feeble attempts at becoming a VGM [Very Good Mother] Ok, so I tried this- I cooked. This may sound same old same old to you oh wonderful super mum, but for me, cooking DOES NOT come naturally. I cooked 2 quiches -1 was shredded chicken, Feta cheese and chives [for LSH], and the other, a roasted pumpkin, garlic feta, pinenut and spinach concoction [for me, being a try-hard vegetarian]

But!! The piece de resistance [said in sexy french accent] was that I made fritatta type things in a muffin tray using baking paper to line the holes, and put roast pumpkin, corn kernals, feta, and chopped spinach, with an egg/milk mixture, and baked these til set- TTB loved them!!! [not that that is surprising- she eats dog poo and Royal Canin dog bikkies on a regular basis]

So, my dears, that was my attempt at bettering myself. It was exhausting. I collapsed on the sofa with a champagne to dull my burgeoning headache. Phew!!! It will be at least a week before I attempt anything like that again!

The washing has piled up. It officially smells like wee in the laundry. LMC manages to defy her toilet training by these 'accidents' as she calls them, everywhere and anywhere. The poor MaxiRider stinks like a homeless guys cardboard box. Im embarassed to let anyone see the interior of my car- or smell it for that matter.

Look- someone asked me for pics. Funnily enough, it was one of those VGM's, who get time to stop and take photos, upload them and add funny captions. I will add pics I promise- just not with the vigour of those crafty types who photograph everything!!! LOL

I will be back to explain how my lovely LMC went to 'school' stained pink. The Sony Bravia LCD will never recover from that day!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL Kate you crack me up : ) Can't wait for your pics from one VGM to another xx
