Monday, November 16, 2009

VBM day #1

Yes. I'll admit it- I am a Very Bad Mother [hence forth known as VBM]
I have always been a VBM. I know many other VBM's, but of course they won't fess up to it.

A little birdy told me there are mothers out there that are Very Good Mothers and fill their quota each and every day of craft [age appropriate], baking, reading stories, setting chores and the likes!! I did not believe such a thing could possibly be true- but then I saw it- millions of blogs everywhere written by Very Good Mother's!!!

I was astounded. Obviously these mum's are getting an extra hour every day. Their life just can't be possible can it???

Anyway, I must introduce myself while you are still awake [even if only coffee induced]
I am a VBM [not to be confused with Violent Bowel Movement, although you can never be sure when you may need to use that term too ;)] aged- well, 34 going on 50 it feels some days.
I have a long suffering husband [LSH] and two delightful DD's.
[First one to say they are delightful gets to keep them]

DD #1 - Little Miss Cupcake [LMC] aka Miss Three is your typical run of the mill 3 and a bit year old. Full of herself, full of questions, but never seemingly full of food- she lives on air that one.

DD#2 - Little Miss Tube-tie Baby[TTB], not too dissimilar, but not to be confused with Bon-Jovi Kid ['sleep when Im dead' kindda behaviour] is your average 15 month old- with a twist. The rotten twist is, she is determined NOT to sleep til she is dead, hence my caffeine-dependant status.

Ill be back. LMC is naked as usual and has drawn tigger stripes on her leg [to be like Tigger apparently] and TTB is trying to put on LMC's wet knickers. Ahhh the joys!

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