Tuesday, September 28, 2010

See! Im baaaaack

Well, things have been going swimmingly. I am also a pathological liar, so take from that what you will! I have been doing alot of soul searching the past few months, and not any of it has been fun, or heart warming, or warm-fuzzy ish.

I am not a good mother. But, I make it for it in love. I will always be there for my kids, be a hand to hold, to be a shoulder to cry on, to be open ears when they need it, and to be their biggest fan. I will support whomever they choose to be, and whomever they choose to love [with exceptions there. I will invest in a shotgun when all else fails]

See, my role model wasn't the greatest. I was never shown alot of love, so I try to make up for it with my kids. I tell them I love them many times each day, and shower them in hugs and kisses while they will still let me. I try to be firm [but not very good at it] Kids need boundaries, and its up to us to show them how, sometimes we assume they should just 'know', but they don't.

I have taken Miss 4 to a child psychologist who actually said LML is actually normal [oh what a relief that was], however, she is still quite teary, more so than what I feel other 4 year olds are. She is still not doing well with toilet training, which is a concern as she will be at school next year.

Here is my girl on her 4th birthday on the carousel at the Perth Zoo

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