Friday, May 7, 2010


Well, week one of no medication is over...

I would love to report that I have been taking it easy and everything is ok....

It's been a bloody crap-house week, and some of it was out of my control.

My best friend just walked out on her hubby and kids- I didn't realise that would affect me so, lots of crying and moments of anger etc...

I'm planning [again] on pulling Miss 4 out of kindy, arguing with the school psych to hold her back a year, and see a separate child psychologist- it has dawned on me she suffers anxiety- which is better than the autism spectrum I was imagining I suppose!!

Every electrical appliance I have seems to have chosen this week to give up the ghost [car is still a lemon =(]
Laptop is about to go flying through the window.. Dishwasher- I mean seriously- what mum can live without a functional dishwasher?? Ours is a 3 year old Bosch FFS!!!

Anyways, I need to get me some drunkeness..... lewd activity...... retail therapy would also be nice......

Watch this space